  • Naturals Silk - 4.2 Fl. Oz. (124 ml)

    • Sliquid Naturals Silk is a water-based personal lubricant blended with cream emollients and silicone to create a unique hybrid lubricant. Starting with the ever popular Naturals H2O water-base, and blended with silicone and creamy emollient esters, Naturals Silk is all that a water-based personal lubricant can be, with the added longevity of a silicone lubricant.

      As always with Sliquid products, Naturals Silk is glycerin and paraben free, and is perfect for couples or for solo use. Silk is easy to clean up and has a luxurious creamy texture. All Sliquid products are formulated by sensitive women, for sensible women.

      Features & Benefits:
      Purified water and silicone blend
      100% Vegan friendly/ NO animal testing
      Long lasting and easy to clean up
      Glycerin, paraben, & petroleum free
      Hypoallergenic and non-toxic
      Non-staining, unflavored and unscented
      Uniquely blended to enhance your body’s own natural lubrication
      pH balanced neutral
      Proudly formulated & produced in the USA

      Purified Water, Plant Cellulose (from Cotton), Isopropyl Palmitate, Polysorbate 20, Dimethicone, Emollient Ester, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid
    • Special Features: 100% Vegan friendly
      Additional Information: